BrightCall Ltd - The Home Computer Specialists
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The Home Computer Specialists

Fixing PCs, Macs, iPads, smartphones, hacks, scams and networks

0118 962 5690

Our reviews

Our Reviews

More 5 Star Reviews than all of our competitors put together!

Check us out on Little Green Book and Google for independent reviews from people just like you who have used our services. It's enough to make us blush!

Key Points

Key things we can help with

Here is a list of key areas clients often call us in to solve. Click on any one of them to see more details:

Of course, this is just the shortlist. We fix pretty much any sort of computer problem in the home. That huge variety of problems may be a frustration to you, but it's what we thrive on. We are often called in after others have already tried. Just call us on 0118 962 5690 and ask!

Data Recovery / Backup / Synchronization
Computers that won't start up
Broadband / Wi-Fi / Networks
Purchase Advice
Slow Computers



We rescue the victims of computer crime and lock down computers to stop it from happening in the first place.

We live in a world where computer crime is rampant. Everyone knows someone who has been a victim (even if they are too embarrassed to tell you). This is not some exotic thing that only happens to people in TV dramas. It's happening to normal people just like you in the towns and villages where you live. We can help. We have built up a reputation as the people to kick out hackers and stomp on scammers. This is deep experience that comes from numerous real-life cases where we have rescued people who are under active attack. That gives us the expertise we need not just to help you when it all kicks off, but to make you more secure in advance, so attacks just bounce off!

If you have been a victim of computer crime or want to make sure that you do not become one, you will struggle to find any company better qualified to help. Call us on 0118 962 5690.


Data Recovery / Backup / Synchronization.

All your files protected and synchronized with all your devices

You drop your computer down the stairs, find the dust ring around where it used to sit after a burglary or leave it in a taxi in far off Zanzibar. Shock and horror then occurs as you realize that you had not made any provision for backing up the entire family photo collection or that masterpiece of a novel you have nearly finished or your company accounts. What do you do?

It's obvious of course, you get in your time machine, go back to last week and make sure that all your devices are automatically being backed all the time. If, for some strange reason, this option is not open to you, call us on 0118 962 5690 and we will see what can be recovered. More than that, we will make sure that all of your devices are being backed up automatically all the time without you having to think or do anything about it. What's more, we will make sure that all of your data is on all your devices. Take a picture on your phone and it will appear on your laptop. Edit a contact on your iPad and it will appear on the phone and so on, all without a human having to lift a finger.

Better still, get us to set this up before the disaster falls. All things are mortal (especially computers). They will die. They will take all of your information with them, unless you have made suitable provision beforehand. And please don't say you will back up to that external hard drive your brother-in-law told you to get, you won't remember to do it, no one does. Dare you to look us in the eye and say you have been doing those backups regularly.


Computers that won't start up

You try to start up your computer, it decides not to join in

This is a time for much enthusiastic swearing and throwing small objects (not that it will help).

There are all sorts of reasons that a computer will refuse point blank to work. We think we have seen most of them. You, of course, will still be in shock that it worked yesterday and now is no more than a technological paperweight. That's the way the world works, nothing is immortal, all things break sooner or later (see the section above on Backup).

Sometimes it's a physical problem. A component in the computer has broken. Sometimes it's a software problem. Perhaps the computer had gotten infected, that's was enough to confuse it, so that it could no longer think straight enough to start up. The list of possible causes is very long, but we have dealt with thousands of such cases and have well-proven procedures for dealing with them.

Call us on 0118 962 5690 so we can start working out what the problem is in your particular case.


Broadband / Wi-Fi / Networks

Getting a fast and reliable connection to the Internet is a vital part of using and enjoying all of your modern technology. But it's not always easy.

Have you been talking to your internet service provider's call centre in India so many times that they now invite you when team members get married? Do you have an internet connection that is so slow it is quicker to walk your email around to the recipient? Do you live in a rural location and have been told that you are doomed to always have a pathetic connection? Or perhaps you have a perfect connection in every room in the house except the 3rd bedroom on the left.

We hear lots of people say things like "You can't get good Wi-Fi around here". They are often wrong. We have a lot to say on this subject and we have helped numerous people get a far faster and more stable connection in every room (and garden and outbuilding if needed) than any one thought possible.

Call us on 0118 962 5690 and let's see if we can do the same for you.


Purchase Advice

We don't sell computers, which means we are the one place you can go to to get unbiased advice

If you go into a high street store to buy computers, tablets and smartphones they will sell you whatever they make the most profit on. Strangely, they may forget to mention this. We, on the other hand, deliberately don't sell computers so we can give unbiased advice to our clients.

Our ethos is to give the same quality of advice to our clients as we would to a close family member (specifically the ones we like). That works out well for our clients because they get the kit that is best suited to their needs, but it also works out best for us because people like what we do and we grow our business through referrals and reviews.

The world of technology moves on at whirlwind speed. There is a good chance that you are making your purchasing decisions based on assumptions that are no longer true (because that's true of most people). Call us on 0118 962 5690 and we will start getting to the root of what you want to achieve and therefore what is the best option for you.

Slow Computers

Slow Computers

The world is full of people struggling along with computers that are much slower than they could be.

A slow computer is a sad and unpleasant thing to use. In contrast, a fast computer just gets out of the way. You click things, they come up. You stop noticing the computer and instead see the website, document or family tree layout you are interested in.

You may assume that the only way to fix your slow computer is to replace it with a shiny new one. Sometimes that is the right answer (see Purchase Advice above). But often substantial improvements in speed can be made to the old beast. Don't suffer, call us on 0118 962 5690 and we will assess what you have and give recommendations on what is best to do.

Sometimes people will say to us "but I don't need a fast computer because I'm not doing anything fancy!". Most of the time you don't need a car that will do more than 30 miles an hour and seat more than one person, but you choose to have something better than that simply because it's nicer to use (even if you are only popping down to the shops). So it is with computers (and you probably spend more time in front of your computer than in your car). Very few people need a full-on rocketship of a computer, but most will enjoy a nippy one.

Helping with your computer

What do we do?

We fix home computers, tablets and smartphones

We take your computers, laptops, iPads and smartphones and we make them all behave. We make your technology do your bidding.

Making sick machines happy, removing nasty infections, recovering data, locking down security, speeding things up and most importantly making it all work together.

This is our world, come join us. Just call on 0118 962 5690 and we will start making it all work for you too.

Neil Hutton

Chief Engineer

Neil Hutton has a ridiculous amount of experience in the computer industry. Having started 48 years ago at the age of 12 writing computer games for pocket money instead of doing his RE homework. He hasn't really stopped since, doing just about every technical job the industry has to offer, up to and including Global Product Manager for 2 of the largest software companies in the world (plus lots of work with venture capital companies fixing their start-ups).

These days he gets a kick out of making home computers, tablets and smartphones do what the company industry says they should be able to do. He says it is just more fun and varied than working on big corporate systems. If he didn't do this for a job, he would do it as a hobby.

Where do we operate?

Where do we operate?

In a world where everything has moved online, we help clients throughout the UK and even abroad.

For in-person visits our coverage area is Reading, Maidenhead, Henley-On-Thames, Wokingham and all the delightful villages in-between.

Having said that, we have all the technology needed to connect to, view and control your computer, tablet and smartphone as if we were sat right next to you (and yes, of course, you can see everything we are doing and disconnect us at any time). Hence, location is no barrier, we can help you wherever you are.

How to contact us

How to contact us

 on 0118 962 5690

 text on 07720 841074

 email on

Call us. We won't bite (probably).